New Bibles for Preschool

New Bibles for Preschool

Bible in pictures for Preschool

ECSP is proud to announce that new picture Bibles were purchased for the preschool classrooms.  Each teacher was provided with enough Bibles for each child to read during class time and one for themselves.   This is a great way for us to show the children how to find specific stories in the Bible and to follow along with the lessons the teachers are providing each week.

The Bibles will stay in each classroom for the years to come.  We are so happy to be able to provide God’s word in a way that the children can understand and follow along with!

Children are Super Excited!

Since bringing the Bibles to class, each child has had the opportunity to hold the Bible and start looking through them.  The teachers are very happy that the children have this opportunity and are excited to dive into God’s word!

Ms. Connie’s class missed the Bibles over the weekend and were so glad they got to read them when they came in on Monday morning.

Ms. Bethann’s class were able to follow along with her when she was telling them the story of David and Goliath.  They even looked back to see if they could find the story about Samson from last week.

Thank You!

We want to praise our loving Father in Heaven for providing His glorious word for us! The Preschool is very grateful to all those that made this possible.  A big thank you goes to all of the families that participate in our fundraising.  Your efforts went to a very good purpose this year!